Manna of Hope Nourishment Center
- Haiti suffers from maternal mortality ratio of 380 per 100,000 live births. When a mother dies, her children become orphans, often living on streets or sold as a house slave (Restavec).
Haiti suffers from high infant mortality rate of 55 per 1000 live births.
- We provide a place where women who are pregnant can receive prenatal and postnatal care, prayer, and support during their entire pregnancy.
- Staffed with a RN with earned post-graduate degree in midwifery training from Midwives for Haiti
- We see at least 100 women yearly, approximately 60 babies.
- Women pay under $3 for all care provided.
- Women receive monthly prenatal visits with monthly prenatal education.
- Classes on self-care, infant care with breast-feeding and infant feeding
- Provide education & sterile birth kits for local Matrons, based on the WHO recommendations for home deliveries
- Food supplements with focus on protein, prenatal and iron vitamins
- Bleach treatment of drinking water
We provide mother and infant celebration kits to share the word of Christ with them.
- Newborn-checks are provided with in 1 week of delivery
- Medical screenings of mom and baby to determine high risk situations that may be concerning
- Referrals for complications or emergency transportation is provided